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 Oregon COVGEN Team

Elinor Sullivan, PhD


Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Department of Behavioral Neuroscience. Division of Neuroscience,

 OHSU | Oregon Health & Science University

Alice Graham, PhD


Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology Program

OHSU | Oregon Health & Science University

Hanna Gustafsson, PhD


Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychiatry

OHSU | Oregon Health & Science University

Kristen Mackiewicz Seghete, PhD


Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology Program

OHSU| Oregon Health & Science University


Jennifer Ablow, PhD

Associate Professor of Department of Psychology

UO| University of Oregon

Our Hub

While social distancing efforts in Oregon have been relatively successful in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the impact of the stress of the pandemic spares no one. Our research team focuses on studying pregnant and postpartum people and how stress and decreased social support can impact pregnant mothers as well as infant development. At the beginning of the pandemic, our team jumped at the opportunity to not only  understand how this crisis is affecting pregnant people and infants, but also to allow space for those affected by the pandemic to communicate that stress. As vulnerable populations, pregnant people and their infants face unique challenges in a global pandemic and we want to understand—and possibly mitigate—those challenges.

Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) and University of Oregon (UO) are currently leading the state’s research efforts on the COVID-19 pandemic. We understands that the effects of the virus concern mental health as well as physical health and our research effort is one of many at OHSU. With the collaboration of the COVGEN Hub, we hope that what we learn can provide valuable insights on the impact of stress and deceased social support in an unprecedented time.

Our Initiative

We are currently enrolling parents and their young children into a longitudinal research study aimed at better understanding the experiences of families during this global pandemic.

As collaborators with the COPE research initiative, we hope to capture the shared experiences of the COVID-Generation (COVGEN) population and foster connection and resiliency as members of a rising global community.



To learn more about the Oregon COPE Cohort contact our lab at or 503-494-5577.

Our Funding

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